Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Sony HDR-FX1 3-CCD HDV High Definition Camcorder w/12x Optical Zoom

Sony HDR-FX1 3-CCD HDV High Definition Camcorder w/12x Optical Zoom


By Ryan Atkins (ohio)

Sony HDR-FX1 3-CCD HDV High Definition Camcorder w/12x Optical Zoom

Just one word of warning, the camera can get heavy, especially if you use the standard battery it makes the camera very front heavy, but oh well.

This camera is totally customizable in which it is either all auto, manual or some of both. It has 5 presets that are customizable. The cool features about these presets are that you can get a 24p, 30p (cineframe and cinetone), and 60i modes. The 24p and 30p refers to the "film" setting. You can record in true 16:9 widescreen or standard 4:3 letterbox. The high def mode will only do 16:9. I wouldn't listen to anyone who says the widescreen is a stretched 4:3, because its not. You can also hook in headphones, and an XLR adapter. This comes with a 2-hr battery. There are just 3 things I have beef with about this camera. One is the fact that it doesn't have XLR inputs - you'd think that after spending 3K on a camera you'd get some. 2nd: It records in 1080i. Not exactly terrible. 1080i is not true HD, but nor is 720p. True HD is 1920x1080p. But, recording at this high of resolution means spending more money. 3rd: This thing can't record in 24p.


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